Frequently asked questions

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How much are the shipping costs?

We ship orders over €30 free of charge. For orders under €30, shipping costs €2.99.

When does my order arrive?

If we have the goods in stock, your order will leave our warehouse after just 1-2 days. Due to the enormous demand, our international partners may also send the package. The shipping time to Germany, Austria and Switzerland is currently usually 5-8 working days. If the delivery time for your order is longer than usual, please be patient as we will do our best to deliver your order as quickly as possible.

Where can I find my tracking number?

We will email you your DHL tracking number once your order has been processed and shipped.

How do you contact us?

If you have any questions about your order, please send us an email to, unfortunately we do not offer telephone support.

Please always let us know your order number.

Processing requests can take 1-3 business days.

How do I return my package?

You have 14 days after receiving the goods to decide whether the item fits. Items should be returned unused and clean. Only unused items can be returned.

You can find the return form here .

Please send it to the address provided and note your order number. The buyer bears return shipping costs.